
Results of Studying Strain Relaxation in Steel 25Kh17N2B-Sh (25Х17Н2Б-Ш) and Copper М1 Using Annular Samples of Equal Bending Resistance

Authors: Proskurin A.V., Sayun S.P. Published: 26.06.2021
Published in issue: #2(137)/2021  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2021-2-59-71

Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Manufacturing Engineering  
Keywords: stress relaxation, bar of equal bending resistance, stress, holding, nonlinear regression, relaxation properties

The paper introduces the research into stress relaxation of corrosion-resistant steel 25Kh17N2B-Sh (25Х17Н2Б-Ш) at temperatures of 20 and 100 °C, annealed copper M1 of two types --- soft and subjected to preliminary plastic deformation --- at a temperature of 20 °C, used in the manufacture of parts for butt joints of high-pressure pipelines. The research was carried out on annular samples of equal bending resistance according to the method of Oding. The study shows the action of temperature on the rate of stress relaxation in steel 25Kh17N2B-Sh (25Х17Н2Б-Ш), as well as the effect of preliminary plastic deformation of annealed copper on its relaxation characteristics, which is especially noticeable in the first hours after loading. As a result of the analysis of experimental data and by means of nonlinear regression, we determined the numerical values of the parameters of the equations used to describe the process of stress relaxation. Using the obtained expressions, we calculated and plotted the curves of stress relaxation in the materials under study. Furthermore, we compared the stress values calculated using the obtained relaxation model for steel 25Kh17N2B-Sh (25Х17Н2Б-Ш) at a temperature of 20 °C with the results of stress relaxation of a control sample from the same material, the test results of which were not used in the development of a mathematical model. The calculated data showed good similarity with the experimental data obtained on the test sample, which indicates the correct operation of the mathematical model


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