
Method of Reproducing the Vibroimpact Effect in the Laboratory Conditions

Authors: Proskurin A.V., Shlishevskiy A.V. Published: 22.01.2025
Published in issue: #4(151)/2024  


Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Machine Science  
Keywords: vibroimpact effect, acceleration shock spectrum, natural oscillation frequency, oscillation shape, pendulum installation, vibration transducer, resonator, oscillation generator


The problem of studying the structures’ behaviour under intense vibroimpact effects arising in the modern machines and devices operation becomes relevant nowadays. Vibroimpact effects, as a rule, are rarely accompanied by significant damage or destruction of the supporting structure, since they practically do not lead to alteration in the speed of the center of mass of an object subjected to the impact. However, they could be the cause of failures in the equipment electronic components. The paper presents results of computational and experimental studies aimed at developing a universal method for reproducing the high-intensity vibroimpact effects in the frequency range of up to 2000 Hz. This impact spectrum overlaps specified values of the impact spectrum taking into account the reproduction tolerances. The method essence lies in using modal analysis to select oscillation generators and resonators with natural oscillation frequencies in the range under consideration, as well as to choose a method for loading oscillation generators and resonators that allows for impact loading with short duration and high acceleration amplitude under the minimal material costs. Relevance of these computation and experimental studies is dictated by the need to conduct vibroimpact tests of various objects in the laboratory conditions

Please cite this article in English as:

Proskurin A.V., Shlishevskiy A.V. Method of reproducing the vibroimpact effect in the laboratory conditions. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Mechanical Engineering, 2024, no. 4 (151), pp. 96--111 (in Russ.). EDN: YOZROY


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