
Experimental Study of the Possible Working Pressure Dynamic Control in the Aircraft Hydraulic System

Authors: Erofeev E.V. Published: 21.09.2024
Published in issue: #3(150)/2024  


Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Machine Science  
Keywords: hydraulic system, electro-hydraulic servovalve actuator, pressure reduction unit, pressure control, bench testing, solenoid valve


Experimental studies were carried out to determine alteration of the nominal working pressure level in the hydraulic system of the integrated test bench designed to develop the aircraft electrohydraulic servovalve actuators and control systems at the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI). These studies were conducted as part of research of a possibility to limit the aircraft hydraulic subsystems operation time in flight under high pressure to extend the onboard hydraulic system service life. Pressure control according to the flight modes suggests a possibility to reduce power take-off from the aircraft engine, and also significantly simplifies the process of passing to a higher level of nominal working pressure in the hydraulic systems, which could reduce the weight and volume of the aircraft hydraulic equipment. The paper shows that introduction of a special device, i.e., the pressure reduction unit, makes it possible to remotely control the hydraulic supply pressure of the actuators being tested on the bench in a wide range of values using the control system command signals. Device introduction automates the process and expands types of the servovalve actuators experimental studies on the bench, for example, in simulating various flight modes or failure accidents during a seminatural simulation of the aircraft motion dynamics. The paper provides description and operation principle of the pressure reduction unit main elements. Obtained results of the transient processes dynamics in pressure alteration using the pressure reduction unit demonstrates that the control device basic diagram could be introduced not only in bench testing, but also on board the modern and promising aircraft to create intelligent hydraulic systems of the new generation

The work was supported by the Grant from the Russian Science Foundation (project no. 23-19-00464)

Please cite this article in English as:

Erofeev E.V. Experimental study of the possible working pressure dynamic control in the aircraft hydraulic system. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Mechanical Engineering, 2024, no. 3 (150), pp. 57--75 (in Russ.).EDN: YFRSAT


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