
Numerical Simulation of the Deflection Effect of Meniscus Linings with the Constant Curvature and Thickness Profile on Formation of the High-Speed Elements

Authors: Baburin M.A., Baskakov V.D., Eliseev S.V., Karnaukhov K.A., Tarasov V.A. Published: 24.07.2024
Published in issue: #2(149)/2024  


Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Machine Science  
Keywords: high-velocity element, projectile-forming charge, meniscus lining, constant curvature and thickness profile, deflection


The paper considers the scheme of a laboratory projectile-forming charge simulated in dynamic analysis of the computation packages. It groups the lining configurations in the tabular form indicating deflections, initial curvature thickness and radius. The main equations system adopted in the software package is presented describing the materials flow in shaping, as well as the design parameters that determine characteristics of the materials and discreteness of the computational domain. Processes of explosive formation of the high-speed elements from steel linings of the projectile-forming charges made in a wide range of alterations in the curvature radius, thickness and deflection are considered. Results of numerical calculations are shown at various points in time during formation of the high-speed elements. Results are grouped according to the nature of the analyzed linings formation and thickness. Main patterns of the lining design parameters influence on the formed high-speed element parameters are established. High-speed elements formation areas are identified. They determine configuration of the integral compact and elongated elements, as well as areas of the high-speed elements formation subject to destruction in the axial direction. Data obtained as a result of numerical calculations is compared with data obtained in the full-scale experiments carried out with the high-speed elements. It is shown that the difference in the elements geometric parameters is no more than 6.5 %, and the difference in the axial velocities is no more than 7.5 %. The work is intended for specialists working in the fast processes area

Please cite this article in English as:

Baburin M.A., Baskakov V.D., Eliseev S.V., et al. Numerical simulation of the deflection effect of meniscus linings with the constant curvature and thickness profile on formation of the high-speed elements. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Mechanical Engineering, 2024, no. 2 (149), pp. 158--173 (in Russ.). EDN: TQMPER


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