
Optimizing Geometric Parameters of a Pipeline Elbow in the Pneumatic Polyethylene Transportation Systems

Authors: Ochkov A.A., Skornyakov V.M. Published: 22.01.2025
Published in issue: #4(151)/2024  


Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Hydraulic Machines, Vacuum, Compressor Technology, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems  
Keywords: pneumatic transportation, polyethylene, two-phase flow, mathematical simulation, pipeline elbow


Currently, the pneumatic polyethylene transportation systems are widely used in the chemical industry due to their major advantages. However, one of the most significant disadvantages of such systems is formation of the polyethylene tapes during their transportation, usually in the pipeline elbows. The paper presents an obtained mathematical model depicting the process of the polyethylene tape formation in a pipeline elbow, introduces the accepted assumptions and provides for conditions in formatting the polyethylene tapes. Using the obtained computed dependencies makes it possible to develop an algorithm to identify the pipeline elbow optimal geometric parameters (minimal polyethylene tape formation is the selected optimality criterion). The paper describes the control parameters, provides for the target function and substantiates its selection. Based on the developed algorithm, the elbow optimal parameters are computed according to the selected criterion. Results of computing optimal geometric parameters of the pipeline elbow according to the optimality criterion Minimum polyethylene tapes formation in the pneumatic transportation system are presented. The paper notes that the resulting design is close as possible to the existing solutions used in similar systems and aimed at reducing the polyethylene tapes formation in the pneumatic transportation systems. It assesses the prospects in further development of the formulated scientific problem

Please cite this article in English as:

Ochkov A.A., Skornyakov V.M. Optimizing geometric parameters of a pipeline elbow in the pneumatic polyethylene transportation systems. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Mechanical Engineering, 2024, no. 4 (151), pp. 82--95 (in Russ.). EDN: WFXKYM


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