
Genetic Algorythm-Based Methods for Project Synthesis of Ballistic Installations with Hydrodynamic Effect

Authors: Bykov N.V., Zelentsov V.V. Published: 11.08.2016
Published in issue: #4(109)/2016  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2016-4-128-143

Category: Mechanics | Chapter: Dynamics and Strength of Machines, Instruments, and Equipment  
Keywords: ballistic design, ballistic installation, interior ballistics, interchamber processes, hydrodnamic effect, genetic algorithm

This paper proposes a method for automated search for rational parameters of ballistic installations with hydrodynamic effect. We consider the techniques for solving direct and inverse problems. The mathematical model takes into account the two-phase nature of gas-powder mixture. We describe the deformable piston in the model of visco-plastic medium and carry out the numerical solution of the direct problem according to Godunov-type scheme with the solution of Riemann problem by means of AUSM+ method. In the areas of hyperbolicity loss we use Rusanov scheme. We perform the synthesis of optimal parameters using the genetic algorithm. The calculation results are given in two variants of optimality criterion.


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