
Certain causes of weakening of different-purpose steels

Authors: Deulin E.A., Ikonnikova E.I., Tkacheva E.V. Published: 11.09.2013
Published in issue: #3(92)/2013  


Category: Inspection and Diagnostics  
Keywords: dry friction, friction force, coverage factor, sorption, desorption, adhesion, vacuum, nanoroughness, viscosity, capillarity, speed of slip, contact patch, hydrogen disease, hydrogen permeation

Results of examination of steel specimen structures at the micro- and nanolevels are given. The examination was carried out using the electron microscopy, secondary ion mass-spectrometry, and time-of-flight secondary ion mass-spectrometry. The results allow the conclusions to be made on the nature and dynamics of processes causing the steel embrittlement in devices with the traditional friction of mechanisms, in metal cutting, rolling, and in the process of contact interaction at the nanoscale level. The influence of the processes of forming the crystal and atomic metal structures, which are connected with the diffusion of hydrogen atoms concentrating near sulfide inclusions, on the steel exploitation properties is shown. So, in particular, the obtained results confirm the created theory of dry friction suggesting that the atoms of hydrogen and its isotopes are generated within contact areas near surfaces when their excess concentration appears in materials of contacting pairs, which is more than their initial concentration by a factor of 100-300.


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