
Estimating the possibilities of exploitation of small-size dataware unmanned aerial vehicles under complicated meteorological conditions

Authors: Lysenko L.N., Nguyen Duc Cuong, Phan Van Chuong, Sam N.T.  Published: 11.09.2013
Published in issue: #3(92)/2013  


Category: Contemporary Problems of Mechanical Engineering  
Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle, fuzzy controller, identification of aerodynamic characteristics, fatigue damageability of construction during the flight in the unsteady atmosphere, simulation of perturbed motion

The possibilities of exploitation of light-weight small-size unmanned aerial vehicles under conditions of the highly turbulent medium, in which the flight is carried out, are analyzed. Based on the proposed principle for evaluating the aerodynamic characteristics with a priori admissible uncertainty during the flight, the methods for their identification are shown, which makes it possible in combination with the modified fuzzy controller in the control loop to achieve the satisfactory quality of the control process and to increase the dataware reliability under complicated meteorological conditions of exploitation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).


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