Forecasting the Parachute Landing Parameters under Turbulent Atmosphere in a Problem of Designing the Air Drop Ground Tumper Systems
Authors: Averyanov I.O. | Published: 22.01.2025 |
Published in issue: #4(151)/2024 | |
Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: 2.5.14. Aircraft Strength and Thermal Modes | |
Keywords: air drop equipment, shock-absorbing device, landing parameters, object-parachute system, landing dynamics |
Selecting design parameters for the airdrop ground damper systems used in safe parachute landing of an object requires specifying initially parameters of the object landing. They include its position in space and velocity vector at starting the absorber device compression. Besides, it becomes necessary to identify dynamics of the object-parachute system motion exposed to the effect of the air masses atmospheric phenomena, such as wind, with its turbulent component, sometimes gusty, as well as the ascending and descending airflows. The paper proposes an approach that allows forecasting the object parachute landing parameters. A mathematical model of the object-parachute cargo system is developed making it possible to analyze dynamics of its spatial landing under non-stationary action of the air currents. Another mathematical model of the atmosphere is proposed combining the known turbulence models and the discrete statistical gusts. Solution to the problem of forecasting parameters of the object parachute landing is obtained by applying the Monte Carlo method that allows accounting for variability of the atmospheric effects on the object-parachute system dynamics and obtaining desired parameters in the interval distributions form. Operability of the proposed mathematical models and the results obtained reliability are confirmed by comparing them with results of known solutions and experiments
Please cite this article in English as:
Averyanov I.O. Forecasting the parachute landing parameters under turbulent atmosphere in a problem of designing the air drop ground tumper systems. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Mechanical Engineering, 2024, no. 4 (151), pp. 4--27 (in Russ.). EDN: BNBPXS
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