Thermal State of an Aircraft Aerofoil in a High-Velocity Air Flow
Authors: Aliev Az.A., Burkov A.S., Tovstonog V.A., Tomak V.I., Yagodnikov D.A. | Published: 05.09.2021 |
Published in issue: #3(138)/2021 | |
Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: 2.5.14. Aircraft Strength and Thermal Modes | |
Keywords: aerodynamic heating, thin aerofoil, oxidising atmosphere, thermal protection, refractory materials, oxides |
One of the features of high-velocity atmospheric aircraft is the presence of thin aerofoils with edges characterised by a small blunt radius, subjected to high-temperature aerodynamic heating at temperatures of up to 2000 -- 2500 °C. In order to ensure correct operation of both the power plant producing thrust in such vehicles, assumed to be a supersonic combustion ramjet, and respective aerodynamic controls, the components subjected to high-velocity air flows must retain their geometric stability. A way to ensure their performance is to use methods and means of thermal protection, as well as materials that are resistant to high temperatures in an oxidising atmosphere, while one of the promising trends is employing refractory oxide materials such as oxides of aluminium, zirconium and hafnium. Since this class of materials has low thermal conductivity, large temperature gradients develop in the vicinity of the surface being heated, resulting in temperature stresses, all of which designers should take into account. We analysed the temperature state in a model of an acute zirconium oxide wedge featuring a small blunt radius, subjected to a high-velocity air flow. To reduce the edge temperature and temperature gradients, we propose a design solution implemented as a thermally conductive core lined with a thin layer of zirconium oxide. We consider using aluminium oxide and hafnium boride as core materials
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