
Comparative Assessment of Thermal Protective Characteristics of Metal and Ceramic Shields of Flow Paths of High-Temperature Gas Dynamic Facilities

Authors: Tovstonog V.A. Published: 30.04.2020
Published in issue: #2(131)/2020  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2020-2-52-75

Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: 2.5.14. Aircraft Strength and Thermal Modes  
Keywords: gas dynamic facilities, high temperatures, thermal protection, metal shields, high-temperature ceramics, volume-reflecting scattering materials

In modern technology, gas dynamic facilities with a flow path of a high-temperature working fluid are widely used. Their effectiveness largely depends on the maximum achievable temperature, which is to a great extent determined by the heat resistance of structural materials and thermal protection systems of the most heat-stressed structural units. Most often, mass transfer thermal protection methods using the coolant of fuel components are used in such plants. However, in some gas dynamic facilities, such as high-speed ramjet engines, the use of such methods is only sufficient to maintain an acceptable temperature level for the elements of the flow path itself. As for the thermal protection of the enclosing structural elements which are adjacent to the path, it can be provided with either uncooled screens or heat-insulating linings. The study gives a comparative assessment of the temperature regime and characteristics of alternative types of heat shields


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