Mathematical Simulation of the Contactless Process in Charging a Multicopter Battery From the External Electromagnetic Field
Authors: Kim K.K., Koroleva E.B., Vataev A.S., Mikhailov M.V., Soloviev A.S. | Published: 22.01.2025 |
Published in issue: #4(151)/2024 | |
Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Thermal, Electric Jet Engines, and Power Plants of Aircrafts | |
Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle, winding, charge, battery, contact wire |
The paper studies the process of contactless battery recharging of the multicopter type unmanned aerial vehicle with the external electromagnetic field power created by currents flowing through the wires of a contact network in the electrified railway transport or the overhead power line, without interrupting the flying vehicle flight. Power is being transferred on board the multicopter by induction using an electric winding positioned on it and connected to the battery. A finite element mathematical model is constructed, and the EMF is computed. The EMF is induced in winding at various trajectories of the vehicle motion in vicinity of the railway contact network wire electrified with direct (at the 3.3 kV voltage) and alternating (at the 27.5 kV voltage and 50 Hz frequency) current. The paper shows that the EMF highest values in the winding are induced during a flight under the AC contact wire. With the winding motion under the DC wire, the induced EMF frequency and amplitude depend on the device deviations period from its rectilinear motion axis direction. The EMF curve is not sinusoidal; its distortions depend on the winding deviation amplitude from the motion direction axis. In the AC case in the contact wire, the induced EMF amplitude primarily depends on the amplitude and frequency of the external magnetic field created by this current. The device motion parameters are slightly effecting the EMF. In this case, the highest EMF values sufficient to recharge the battery, are induced with the winding motion under the contact wire
The work was carried out within the framework of the Russian Science Foundation (grant no. 24-29-00159) provided for 2024--2025 and based on resultsof the 2023 competition "Conducting fundamental scientific and exploratory scientific research by small separate scientific groups"
Please cite this article in English as:
Kim K.K., Koroleva E.B., Vataev A.S., et al. Mathematical simulation of the contact-less process in charging a multicopter battery from the external electromagnetic field. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Mechanical Engineering, 2024, no. 4 (151), pp. 28--46 (in Russ.). EDN: ZRDBMU
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