
Numerical Simulation of the NK-38ST Gas Turbine Engine Combustion Chamber CO Emission Depending on the Ambient Temperature

Authors: Tikhonov O.A., Sabirzyanov A.N., Baklanov A.V. Published: 18.09.2024
Published in issue: #3(150)/2024  


Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Thermal, Electric Jet Engines, and Power Plants of Aircrafts  
Keywords: gas turbine unit, combustion chamber, mathematical model, numerical simulation, kinetic mechanism, emission


The paper considers a created physical and mathematical model for computing the CO emission. Turbulent combustion of methane with air was mathematically simulated at different ambient temperatures in the NK-38ST gas turbine engine combustion chamber in the stationary three-dimensional approximation using the Ansys Fluent fluid dynamics computation package. CO emission simulation results obtained using various chemical mechanisms were compared with the experiment data. CO emission numerical results demonstrating correct values in a wide range of the ambient temperatures were obtained for the FiniteRate combustion model with the GRI-Mesh 3.0 kinetic mechanism. Maximum error at the low temperatures was not exceeding 4 %. According to the literature sources, results of predicting the CO emission and temperature field distributions are unsatisfactory: error in the CO emission is 27 % or more. The global generalized two-stage kinetic mechanism methane + air is built into the Ansys Fluent package, correctly identifies the temperature fields, but predicts emission characteristics at the negative ambient temperatures with an error of 92 %. Fast and high-quality forecast of the CO emission in numerical simulation lies in creating new reduced mechanisms for the narrow ranges in the ambient temperature alteration

Please cite this article in English as:

Tikhonov O.A., Sabirzyanov A.N., Baklanov A.V. Numerical simulation of the NK-38ST gas turbine engine combustion chamber CO emission depending on the ambient temperature. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Mechanical Engineering, 2024, no. 3 (150), pp. 19--33 (in Russ.). EDN: ULJBBC


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