
Analysis of the characteristic features of operational process in liquid rocket engine combustion chamber with jet-centrifugal and centrifugal-centrifugal injectors

Authors: Mosolov S.V., Sidlerov D.A. Published: 29.03.2016
Published in issue: #2(107)/2016  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2016-2-60-71

Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Thermal, Electric Jet Engines, and Power Plants of Aircrafts  
Keywords: liquid rocket engine, combustion chamber, numerical simulation, fuel burning

The purpose of this work is to conduct the computational research and comparative analysis of characteristic features of flowing, mixing and combustion processes inside the model multiinjector combustion chambers by means of numerical simulation methods, elaborated in Keldysh Research Centre. In this article we present the results of examining the operational process and its features inside the model multiinjector combustion chamber with regular arrangement of coaxial two-component mixing elements. We deal with two types of mixing elements: jet-centrifugal and centrifugal-centrifugal. In both elements swirled kerosene sheet is fed through the peripheral annular canal. Oxygen rich generator gas jet is fed through the central canal. This jet has no swirl for the jet-centrifugal injector, and obtains the swirl in the same direction as the kerosene sheet for the centrifugal-centrifugal injector. The findings of the research illustrate, that the use of centrifugal-centrifugal injectors leads to significant activation of fuel mixing and burnup inside the flow core. This effect is caused mainly by the increased turbulence generation and deformation of swirled jets in transversal direction during their interaction inside the combustion chamber. The use of jet-centrifugal injectors for near wall row provides acceptable thermal and concentration limits for the walls of the chamber.


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