
Investigating Crew Maintenance Modes for a Lunar Orbital Spaceport Station

Authors: Pugachenko S.E., Kozedub  D.A. Published: 05.09.2019
Published in issue: #4(127)/2019  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2019-4-31-43

Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Innovation Technologies of Aerospace Engineering  
Keywords: lunar orbital station, interplanetary mission system, lunar infrastructure simulation, crew maintenance mode, crew time, transportation vehicle, space tug

The investigation concerned a methodological approach to selecting crew maintenance modes for a lunar orbital spaceport station and sought to detect the most efficient mode. We assumed the orbital station characteristics to be close to those of the Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway project that is currently scheduled in the USA. Using such a station as a base for assembling an interplanetary mission system is part of developing manned astronautics. We utilised systems analysis to conduct our investigation. We developed a mathematical model of the lunar space infrastructure, including the orbital station, transportation vehicles and launch vehicles. We assume a dual launch mission profile where a space tug attaches to a spacecraft or module in a low Earth orbit for a subsequent lunar transfer. We obtained program costs as a function of average launch frequency of the interplanetary mission system modules for two crew maintenance options. We determined a feasible range of average delivery frequency for interplanetary mission system modules, leading to long-term stay being preferable for manned missions while a system like this is being deployed


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