Computational study of the thermal state of transonic and supersonic high elongation duct in the blown-in coolant swirl of different degrees
Authors: Voronetskiy A.V., Aleksandrov V.Yu., Aref'ev K.Yu. | Published: 02.09.2015 |
Published in issue: #4(103)/2015 | |
Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Aerodynamics and Heat Transfer Processes in Aircrafts | |
Keywords: rotation, film cooling, transonic flow, mathematical modeling, high elongation duct |
The paper considers the high elongation ducts with transonic and supersonic flow velocities, which are often used in the multi-purpose power and propulsion plants. In many instances, their external cooling involves considerable technical complexity. It may be impossible due to the absence of a liquid coolant. The walls of the duct require protecting due to a high level of the thermal load. This problem can be solved by applying a gaseousfilm cooling system. The paper discusses the problem of increasing the film cooling efficiency for the high elongation ducts with transonic and supersonic flow velocities (i.e. reducing the required coolant mass flow rate) by optimizing the flow swirl level. The obtained computational functions allow estimating the impact of design drivers, a flow regime, and flow turbulence on the efficiency of the gaseous film cooling. The results can be used for designing hyperthermal ducts, generator exhaust units, technological unit barrels, mixing and afterburner chambers.
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