
Method of the Aircraft Lateral Motion Adaptive Stabilization Taking into Account the Roll Channel Influence

Authors: Zenchenko M.V., Tochilova O.L. Published: 08.07.2024
Published in issue: #2(149)/2024  


Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Aircraft Dynamics, Ballistics, Motion Control  
Keywords: adaptive stabilization, identification, aerodynamic characteristics, restoration, unmeasured coordinates, state vector, perturbed lateral motion


The paper presents a method of the lateral motion adaptive stabilization for a cross-wing atmospheric supersonic aircraft with the normal aerodynamic design scheme and aerodynamic control surfaces of the "plus" pattern during the flight cruising phase. The heading and roll angular stabilization in the perturbed motion is considered. A method of the in-flight lateral motion adaptive angular stabilization is proposed. Possibility of prompt recalculation of the stabilization coefficients on board an aircraft is studied taking into account the external influences. A method is developed to recalculate coefficients based on the aerodynamic characteristics identified during flight and the reconstructed unmeasured coordinates of the object's state vector. A filter is constructed to estimate the measured and restored unmeasured coordinates of the control object state vector. Dependencies are obtained for recalculating the in-flight stabilization coefficients. The state vector measured and restored unmeasured coordinates are assessed. Besides, aerodynamic characteristics are identified, and the stabilization coefficients values are recalculated based on the identified characteristics. The paper provides a calculated version of the adaptive stabilization with turning at a given heading angle. Transient processes are compared with the existing stabilization techniques. The method was tested on the autonomous flight simulation benches and is recommended for introduction in the aircraft on-board stabilization and flight control algorithms

Please cite this article in English as:

Zenchenko M.V., Tochilova O.L. Method of the aircraft lateral motion adaptive stabilization taking into account the roll channel influence. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Mechanical Engineering, 2024, no. 2 (149), pp. 96--108 (in Russ.). EDN: RUGFJR


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