
Spacecraft optimal control in drag braking flight segment during insertion into orbit of Mars artificial satellite

Authors: Sokolov N.L. Published: 21.12.2015
Published in issue: #6(105)/2015  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2015-6-4-21

Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Aircraft Dynamics, Ballistics, Motion Control  
Keywords: spacecraft, insertion into orbit, combined insertion profile, optimal control, research technique, analytical algorithm, implementation efficiency

The article analyzes the spacecraft optimal control problem while using a combined profile of the spacecraft insertion into the orbit of the Mars artificial satellite. The authors use both the maximum atmosphere escape velocity and the maximum width of the re-entry corridor of the spacecraft as the main criteria of optimization. Both an analytical method and algorithm are used for a high-speed calculation of the quasi-optimal trajectories of the spacecraft insertion into the satellite orbits. The obtained results are regarded as an initial approximation for solving the spacecraft optimal control problem in a general statement. The numerical data obtained during the research showed the possibility of implementing the proposed combined profile of the spacecraft insertion into the orbit, if a spacecraft with a lift-to-drag ratio of over 0.3 is used. The results are of practical importance and can be used while analyzing certain deep space missions.


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