
Adaptive Antenna Array Introduction for the Satellite Navigation System Users

Authors: Ermilov A.S., Balashov A.Yu., Gyulmagomedov N.Kh., Evseev D.A. Published: 08.07.2024
Published in issue: #2(149)/2024  


Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Aircrafts Development, Design and Manufacture  
Keywords: antenna array design, micro-strip antenna, setup development, additive technologies, satellite navigation user equipment, 3D printing, technical solutions development


A prototype of the adaptive antenna array operating in the L1 frequency range of the satellite radio navigation systems was developed and manufactured. Radio technical characteristics of the antenna array basic emitter were calculated. The emitter was made in the form of a ceramic micro-strip antenna element consisting of radiating element, ceramic substrate, exciting pin and metal screen. Description of the antenna array design is provided, it consists of a base and eight emitters. The developed array design is chosen to ensure the minimum overall dimensions and mutual influence between the emitters. To confirm functionality of the selected antenna array configuration, a working prototype was manufactured consisting of the micro-strip ceramic emitters and a base. The setup base appears to be a cutout from the cylinder side surface and is made of the PLA plastic using the 3D printing technology. Presented results of measuring the standing wave voltage coefficient confirmed the antenna array setup operability in the L1 frequency range for the GLONASS and GPS satellite radio navigation systems. Analysis results of the numerical calculations and measurements confirmed correctness of the technical solutions implemented in the antenna array. Using the 3D printing technology made it possible to accelerate development of the technical solutions in implementing the antenna array setup. The proposed antenna array design could be introduces in the navigation signal receivers with the adaptive beamforming

Please cite this article in English as:

Ermilov A.S., Balashov A.Yu., Gyulmagomedov N.Kh., et al. Adaptive antenna array introduction for the satellite navigation system users. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Mechanical Engineering, 2024, no. 2 (149), pp. 82--95 (in Russ.). EDN: QVXCWJ


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