
Heat Transfer Comparison with the Non-Axisymmetric Flow Around a Blunt Cone using the FloEFD Commercial Computation Package and Engineering Techniques

Authors: Brodskiy M.Yu. Published: 08.07.2024
Published in issue: #2(149)/2024  


Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Aircrafts Development, Design and Manufacture  
Keywords: asymmetric flow-around, heat transfer, equilibrium temperature, boundary layer, effective length method, FloEFD computation complex


The paper provides computation of the equilibrium surface temperature of the complex shape object moving in the Earth atmosphere dense layers at the high supersonic velocities. This computation is required by the need to analyze an entire set of problems having no analytical physico-mathematical description. The solution uses engineering methods based on the semi-empirical approaches or numerical simulation of the gas dynamics and heat transfer processes in the three-dimensional setting. Improvement of the computer technology characteristics ensures wide introduction of the commercial computation packages designed to simulate the flow around bodies by the approximate solution to the Navier --- Stokes equations system using the finite element method. Such computational complexes are making it possible to simulate with sufficiently high accuracy the pressure distribution on the surface of a body with the arbitrary shape exposed to the high velocity flow around. Significant computing power is involved in their proper use. Currently, a large number of publications is appearing devoted to the approximation methods in calculating the convective heat transfer intensity in the spatial gas flow around bodies. Application of all the semi-empirical methods is limited to bodies of the simple geometry. Limitations in using each approach leads to the need for their comparative assessment and search for opportunities in combining them. The comparison is provided using the example of a design case with a relatively simple flow-around pattern with the mastered engineering techniques

Please cite this article in English as:

Brodskiy M.Yu. Heat transfer comparison with the non-axisymmetric flow around a blunt cone using the FloEFD commercial computation package and engineering techniques. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Mechanical Engineering, 2024, no. 2 (149), pp. 28--41 (in Russ.). EDN: LNRSAC


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