Optimization of Hybrid Composite Material Structure for Wing Skin of Tourist Class Reusable Space Vehicle
Authors: Ageeva T.G., Ashikhmina E.R., Prosuntsov P.V. | Published: 09.02.2018 |
Published in issue: #1(118)/2018 | |
Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Aircrafts Development, Design and Manufacture | |
Keywords: reusable space vehicles, space tourism, hybrid polymer composite materials, wing |
The purpose of the study was to examine a wing for a suborbital tourist class reusable space vehicle. The wing is an important part of construction and essentially determines its mass efficiency. The wing skin was supposed as a sandwich panel that consists of hybrid polymer composite material and honeycomb core. The stress-related characteristics of the materials were determined by program package Digimat. To reduce the weight of the wing skin, the Altair HyperMesh software complex with the OptiStruct solver were used, which optimized the layer thicknesses and their laying angles in the material structure. Moreover, various variants of splitting the wing skin into separate sections were considered, which made it possible to achieve weight reduction (if to compare with the monolithic wing skin) and enhance the technological efficiency of the space vehicle as a whole
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